An organization’s information technology architecture is a reflection of its culture and values. The most powerful way to make an impact on an organization is to start at the core of the business, the people. Our methodology is to first develop strong relationships and connection with the people and understand their business objectives – current and future. Next, we map these objectives to technology solutions from best of breed manufacturers. Then we execute together, not simply making a transaction but executing so the outcome is making an impact for the business. We specialize in long-term partnerships where we are all in.
With network consolidation and data center optimization initiatives taking hold, many organizations are struggling to modernize aging IT infrastructure and address issues related to network performance, availability, disaster recovery, and security.
Data Center Consolidation Initiatives, coupled with the need for flexibility, cost savings, and other efficiencies, are driving adoption of cloud computing across all organizations.
We help organizations virtualize their IT environments and move workloads to the cloud to decrease legacy IT footprints. Whether your deployment is public, private, or hybrid. We deliver the technologies to enable:
Data now streams from daily life: from phones and credit cards and televisions and computers; from the infrastructure of cities; from sensor-equipped buildings, trains, buses, planes, bridges, and factories. The data flow so fast that the total accumulation of the past two years—a zettabyte—dwarfs the prior record of human civilization.
Enterprise Integration can help you make the right investments in analytics, so you can extract the value from your data when you need it. We start with by identifying a use case that offers maximum business value. We’ll perform a proof of concept bring together unstructured data by leveraging next-generation Hadoop-based technologies. Our experts will build a big data platform, architecture and analytics that take into account how layers speak to each other, as well as appropriate security measures. Following proof of concept, proper training and workflows help scale this big data platform across all parts of the organization.
We offer the best-of-breed big data technologies to harness your data through:
Comprehensive mobility strategies enable organizations to securely access systems, applications, content, and data in real-time from anywhere on any device.
Successful implementation of mobile strategies requires solutions that provide for comprehensive security and management of mobile applications, content, devices, and policies.
Instead of interacting with a computer or server via a mouse, keyboard or touch inputs, virtual computing calls for doing so with your voice, hand gestures or a digital keyboard.
If you have been to any recent technology conferences, you have no doubt been exposed to recent VR or AR technology, you know they can be useful for playing games or productive tasks, like previewing a house you might like to buy. Imagine a virtual computing platform integrated into your research or manufacturing processes. These real productivity advancements could be transformational, opening the door to new, difficult to predict modes of computing.